Birudotiimu, Otakut building committee - tinkering department, creating interesting things for the needs of the club.
Members (pre-2025):
Number 2 | Arb |
Number 3 | X-5_Zc7 |
Number 4 | sorsa_DSM |
Number 5 | Marqs |
Number 6 | Mursu |
Photos and documents
Previous projects:
- Tentacle Monster
- Weeklymail generator
- Ruri-chan
- Takehito Koyasu -counter
- Drift Sled
- Ice Cirno
- New handle of authority - 権柄 (kenpei)
- Domo-kun
- Attaching club room's new canvas and video projector
- Tour de Walpuri- controllers
- 'Tron-Bonne' -controller system
- M.A.T.C.H. -tournament controller bot for MUGEN
- Pom Pom- controller
- Hammetime/Beat It - Hammer & Helmet controller
- Ultimate Fighting Fest - "Pound the table"- controller
Plastic models
- Zaku II HG
- Nobel Gundam HG
- Gundam Aerial HG
- Beargguy III F & Petit'gguy
Ages ago planned projects
Useful notes