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4th Recycling center sauna


The recycling center is once again having a sauna evening on Tuesday 2nd of November in Otaniemi Rantasauna (large side). Otakut is going to spice things up by setting up a number of gaming consoles for the evening. We start organizing the event around 1600 and the doors open at 1630.

As always, we strongly recommend bringing your own towels and refreshments.


You can suggest and vote consoles you wish to see/feel/experience during the evening by giving comments (at the bottom of this page). Note that you can cast your vote on as many consoles as you like. The current suggestions and standings are as follows:

Sega Dreamcast2
Sony Playstation1
Sony Playstation 23
Sony Playstation 31
Nintendo Famicom (JP NES)2
Super Nintendo3
Nintendo 641
2xGBA(+link) & DS1

Our main focus is on consoles & games originating from Japan.
If you're interested in providing us with consoles or other equipment(mainly TV's or suitable flat panels) for the evening, leave a comment or contact Otakut organizer directly via IRC/e-mail.


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Enter code to kill a Dalek: 6443
Posted by b4k4^^ on 31.10.2010 15:48

Tuli mieleeni että mulla on PS1? kans jos jotain peliä varten tarttee linkittää. EOS mitä äänestää, pelit ratkaisevat.

Posted by _joy on 31.10.2010 13:27

I'd like to vote for DC, Wii/Gamecube, PS2? and Super Nintendo