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Season Film Festival 2014

Season Film Festival is small-scale film festival by the people behind Helsinki International Film Festival. It's held now for the second time. Irregardless that, they now have most fanatically desirable film: the last movie by Hayao Miyazaki, The Wind Rises.

The festival is on March 27th to 30th and the only showing of the Miyazaki film is on Saturday March 29th 15:30.

Naturally we'll organize an excursion to the movie. Reservations via IRC to Riba @IRCNet? or via email to mailto:risto.jarvinen@aalto.fi. Ticket sales begin on March 18th 10:00. Thus non-refundable reservations will have to be made before March 17th 23:55. (What? You're actually hesitating? Throw your money at it! All of your money!) Tickets for the Miyazaki movie are 6.5€ each, tickets for other movies are 8€.

Order is already sent. No more reservations.

Payment to bank account number FI78? 1007 3500 0881 46. Kiitos hyvä moni. Please notify via IRC (privmsg) or email that you've made a payment.

Note: Most of the movies are in the original language (no dubs) and have English subtitles. List of exceptions is found here: http://2014.seasonfilmfestival.fi/?page_id=13&lang=en


Oh, yeah. There are also some other movies. The program is found at http://2014.seasonfilmfestival.fi/?page_id=8?lang=en