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Video Evenings

Video Evenings

The main activity of Otakut is the weekly video evenings during lecture seasons. Every saturday, we gather at the Jämeräntaival 10cd clubroom at 4pm to watch anime from a big screen. Typically video evenings last little under 4 hours. If you bring along someone who isn't a member yet, (s)he can join at the beginning of the video evening.

We try to plan the program so that it contains something for everyone. In addition to that, we usually show a so called bonus sector at the beginning of the evening. It's the first episode of an interesting (or "interesting") series that will probably never be shown entirely in the video evenings. Some bonus shows have been so popular that the entire series has been shown later on. Video evenings are only for members.

To ensure pleasant viewing experience please follof the guidelines

Paikka, Aika ja Ohjelma

Specific Place, Time and Program can be seen on our calendar and from the weekly mail sent to our mailing list.

|Check out or suggest the program to be presented | Program shown before |