  • In Finnish
  • In English



Up-coming events can be found from our calendar. Other announcement channels and more information about our communication can be found in our communication guidelines.

Club Room and how to reserve it

Club room is HOAS's room controlled by Otakut in Jämeräntaival 10 CD. Most of the official and planned activity is held here. Spontaneous activity and other evening entertainment is also being held almost daily and you drop in on most of these. Telegram-channel's updates and status box on the frontpage usually tells you of what's happening in the club room (hopefully in English). ... Read more

Game evenings

Game evenings are dedicated for playing the numerous consoles and games present in our clubroom. Normally, there is no set programme for these evenings but rather playing of games based on consensus.


"The most important thing is not singing voice, but the feeling!"
Do you hum openings and endings that have vocals in them? Are you unsure of your singing skills?
Fear not, with us, only YOU care about how "well" you sing!
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Dance Gaming

We randomly hold dance gaming events at club room. The events are usually held right before sauna, and last 2-3 hours.
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Culture evenings

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Annual freshman events

Every year we organize checkpoints in AYY's and Aalto University's events aimed specifically to freshmen but why not also to older students.
Annually we will attempt to participate in at least (but not limited to):
